Sick Riffs: Conjurer's Dan Nightingale delivers double chug in this ruthless playthrough of Hollow

Sick Riffs #80: As guitarists, we're in the perennial pursuit of becoming better players, and our approach to learning is most often one of active engagement. Occasionally, however, it can be just as effective to be more passive.

Today, we encourage you to sit back and check out this furious playthrough of Conjurer's Hollow, delivered by six-stringer Dan Nightingale. Absorb the musical ideas behind the riffs, and see what inspiration you can take for your own compositions.

But if you just can't put that guitar down, perhaps here's an opportunity for you to practice your transcription abilities...

Nightingale plays a Fender 72 Deluxe Reissue Telecaster electric guitar with Ernie Ball strings through a EVH 5150 III 100W amp head and Marshall 1960 B cab. His pedalboard consists of two EarthQuaker pedals - an Avalanche Run delay and reverb and an Organizer Polyphonic Organ Emulator.

"We were 4 days into a tour with Car Bomb and Frostbitt when we heard just how serious the situation with COVID-19 had become," Nightingale says. "There were constant threats of shows being cancelled and finally, on the morning of the Prague show, it was announced there would be travel bans from Europe to the States. 

"Car Bomb had no choice but to cancel the tour and rush home as quick as they could, lest they get stuck in Europe or the UK. All the bands made it back alright and - although gutted to see it come to an end - we're glad to be home safe.  

"Since the lockdown, we've really been able to knuckle down with writing our second album and we're chuffed to bits with how it's coming along. We're grateful and lucky to be in a fairly comfortable position, but we understand and feel for the bands who are really being hit hard by the situation, and god forbid any of them dissolve because of it."

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Sick Riffs is a Guitar World video series designed to help guitarists affected by the coronavirus. Self-isolating players around the world have each filmed a lesson where they teach you one of their own guitar riffs, up close and personal. If you dig the lesson, we encourage you to buy music and merch from the artist or stream their music.

Sam Roche

Sam was Staff Writer at from 2019 to 2023, and also created content for Total Guitar, Guitarist and Guitar Player. He has well over 15 years of guitar playing under his belt, as well as a degree in Music Technology (Mixing and Mastering). He's a metalhead through and through, but has a thorough appreciation for all genres of music. In his spare time, Sam creates point-of-view guitar lesson videos on YouTube under the name Sightline Guitar.