Sick Riffs: Austin Cressey teaches you the chunky bassline of Movements' Deep Red

Sick Riffs #38: Forming just five years ago, California's Movements have enjoyed a faster trajectory than many of their post-hardcore contemporaries, owing largely to their ability to weave anthemic vocals into their driving emo-rock sound.

Their debut album Feel Something was released back in 2017, a record that churns out one banger after another.

Deep Red, the album's eighth track, features some of the aforementioned singalong chorus lines, as well as a particularly overdrive-laden bass part - which bassist Austin Cressey teaches you in today's episode. He plays a G&L LB-100 bass guitar running through a pedalboard consisting of a 1986 Proco Rat distortion and a Tech 21 SansAmp preamp.

"COVID-19 has affected people all over the world and is affecting everyone in different ways due to income loss, social distancing, and of course health," Cressey says. "For me, personally, it has been really tough financially due to tours being postponed or cancelled. 

"Movements has been my full time job for the past five years, and without that income, things are hard right now. It also has been difficult not being able to see my parents and friends but I have been coping with video chats and phone calls. Lately, I have been trying to focus on myself and work on other business and ways to keep myself distracted. 

"My girlfriend and I have started a Candle Company called Odd Bird Candle co. and I also have recently started streaming on Twitch along with band meeting on Zoom and Discord. I've been keeping myself busy and managing to keep a positive outlook on the future."

Support Movements

Sick Riffs is a Guitar World video series designed to help guitarists affected by the coronavirus. Self-isolating players around the world have each filmed a lesson where they teach you one of their own guitar riffs, up close and personal. If you dig the lesson, we encourage you to buy music and merch from the artist or stream their music.

Sam Roche

Sam was Staff Writer at from 2019 to 2023, and also created content for Total Guitar, Guitarist and Guitar Player. He has well over 15 years of guitar playing under his belt, as well as a degree in Music Technology (Mixing and Mastering). He's a metalhead through and through, but has a thorough appreciation for all genres of music. In his spare time, Sam creates point-of-view guitar lesson videos on YouTube under the name Sightline Guitar.