Save big on Tidal's HiFi and HiFi Plus services, and get 90 days of lossless streaming from as little as $1

Save big on Tidal's HiFi and HiFi Plus services, and get 90 days of lossless streaming from as little as $1
(Image credit: TIDAL)

Streaming has revolutionized the way we listen to music, but with so many millions of songs at our fingertips it can be easy to forget that often the music is beamed into our ears at a lower quality than the artist intended. So then, if you're after a streaming service that offers audio of the very highest quality, then Tidal is the place to look. With over 80 million tracks available to listen to in true HiFi, every audiophile bone in your body will be satisfied - and with three months of Tidal HiFi for just $1/£1, or Tidal HiFi plus for only $2/£2, your wallet will be feeling pretty good, too.

Streaming service Tidal was launched in 2014 and stepped into view properly when Jay-Z bought it a year later, promising more content and better rates paid to musicians who support the site. 

This promotional campaign expires on January 2. After your three discounted months is up, Tidal HiFi will only cost you $9.99 a month and HiFi Plus will cost $19.99 a month. With certain current world events causing tours to be postponed or just written off altogether - now's a good time to support a streaming service which pays artists properly.

Tidal HiFi: £/$1 for 90 days

Tidal HiFi: £/$1 for 90 days
Want to discover what high-end, high-fidelity audio really sounds like? $1/£1 a month will provide you with access to Tidal's huge library of high quality audio, as well as ad-free and offline listening, as well as unlimited skips. There's no reason not to, for such a good price.

Tidal HiFi Plus: $2/£2 for 90 days

Tidal HiFi Plus: $2/£2 for 90 days
For the real audiophiles among us, get your ears around Tidal's HiFi Plus service. You get all the great features of the standard HiFi service, but with even higher quality audio (up to a ridiculous 9216 kbps) as well as Tidal's Direct Artist Payouts setup - where up to 10% of your subscription goes straight into the pockets of your favorite artists.

If you're still in the running for favorite relative this Christmas, then you'll want to take a look over our gifts for guitar players guide. You'll find a huge range of great presents for guitarists of all musical and stylistic persuasions. Make your Christmas a musical one this year!

Chris Barnes

I'm Guitar World's eCommerce Editor. In addition to testing the latest music gear, it's my job to manage the 200+ buyer's guides on the site and help guitarists find the right gear and the best prices for them. I've been a guitar player for 30 years and a drummer for almost 20. I've worked in the music gear industry for 20 years, including 7 years as Editor of the UK's best-selling drum magazine Rhythm, and 5 years as a freelance music writer, during which time I worked with the world's biggest instrument brands including Boss, Laney and Roland.