This pedalboard features every single Boss Metal pedal ever released – and it sounds disgusting

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A staple of the guitar pedal world, the Boss Metal Zone has found its way into the hands of millions of guitar players since its initial launch in 1991. However, the stompbox makes up just one of a series of metal-tailored distortion pedals in Boss’s catalog.

They include the company’s first metal unit, the HM-2 Heavy Metal, as well as newer models like the MT-2W Metal Zone Waza Craft, which arrived in 2018. And for some pedal collectors, they’ve adopted a Pokémon-style “gotta catch ‘em all” approach.

Take Josh Scott, owner of JHS Pedals, for example, who owns every single metal-friendly distortion pedal Boss has ever released. That‘s not all that surprising, though, if you’ve ever seen the shelves and shelves of stompboxes in the background of any JHS video on YouTube.

Now, most guitarists only need one, perhaps two, distortion pedals to beef up their guitar tone, but in a new video, in which Scott teams up with YouTuber Rob Scallon, the pair experiment with placing every one of Boss’s Metal pedals in series, making for some gnarly sonic results.

Armed with a six-string electric guitar from his signature line with Schecter, Scallon’s ridiculous rig consists of a pedalboard with a HM-2 Heavy Metal, HM-3 Hyper Metal, MZ-2 Digital Metalizer, MT-2 Metal Zone, ML-2 Metal Core and a selection of other Metal Zone iterations, completed by an original Crate 1D guitar amp from the late ‘70s.

The pair proceed to crank the gain of every single pedal in the signal path, and as you’d expect, Scallon’s tone is utterly obliterated, with individual notes pretty much unrecognizable.

We kinda dig it, though, as do Scallon and Scott, clearly, as they proceed to lay down a groovy drum beat and improv a funky, albeit entirely horrible-sounding, jam sesh.

In 2021, the Metal Zone celebrated its 30th anniversary – we celebrated the milestone with an in-depth look at its history, legacy and controversy.

Sam Roche

Sam was Staff Writer at from 2019 to 2023, and also created content for Total Guitar, Guitarist and Guitar Player. He has well over 15 years of guitar playing under his belt, as well as a degree in Music Technology (Mixing and Mastering). He's a metalhead through and through, but has a thorough appreciation for all genres of music. In his spare time, Sam creates point-of-view guitar lesson videos on YouTube under the name Sightline Guitar.