Betcha Can't Play This: Diminished Madness with Guitarist Ethan Brosh

This is a run in the key of B minor that uses a variety of cool techniques.

I start in the seventh-position B minor pentatonic box pattern with some string skipping and hybrid picking, using my pick-hand middle finger in conjunction with the pick.

I hit the first note, on the low E string, with a down-stroke, hammer-on the second note, then pluck the third note, on the D string, with the middle finger, followed by another hammer-on.

I move across the neck in a similar fashion until I get to the G string, at which point I do a half-step bend at the ninth fret, from E, the fourth, up to F, the flat fifth, and then release and bend. I then use my pick-hand middle and ring fingers to pluck a pair of double-stops on the G and B strings.

This leads into the next section, from the end of bar 1 through bar 2, which features a series of F#dim7 arpeggio inversions played up and down the G and high E strings with hybrid picking. I pull-off each plucked note to the open high E string, which adds color to the harmony with an "outside" note and creates a wide-interval melodic contour.

For the next section, in bar 3, I play an ascending F#dim7 arpeggio pattern across the neck in five-note groups, using hammer-ons and economy picking when moving to a higher string.

This leads into the final section, beginning in bar 4. I continue with F#dim7 arpeggios and incorporate tapping on the top three strings and some fret-hand "hammer-ons from nowhere." The lick ends with a high tap-and-bend, followed by a release and pull-off to the fret hand, after which I add finger vibrato.