Eight Overdrive Pedals at Once: Here's How It Sounds

There's no shortage of great effect pedals on the market today. Whether their produced by the biggest manufacturers or smaller boutique builders, it's never been easier to create a unique voice on the instrument by linking together a handful of effects.

But what would happen if you combine eight great-sounding overdrives in the same chain? Would it even work? Would it sound wonderful? (I think you might know the answer to this one.) Would the amp just explode? It's time to find out.

You can see the results in the video below. It runs for almost 30 minutes; however, if you just want to watch the section focusing on the distortion pedal experiment, skip to just around the 18-minute mark.

Cascading other effects units such as multiple delays can be a real thing of beauty, but with distortion pedals? We'll let you decide.

Jonathan Graham is an ACM UK graduate based in London studying under the likes of Guthrie Govan and Pete Friesen. He is the creator of ForgottenGuitar.com, a classic-guitar media website, and is completing his debut album, Protagonist, due for release in 2016. Updates also can be found at Graham's YouTube channel.