Readers' Poll Results: Top 10 Guitar Albums of 1994

Hey, when you're right 48 percent of the time, you're wrong 52 percent of the time.

Sometimes the albums you recall having made a huge impact fail to resonate with the same fervency years on. While certainly no grunge fan will ever question the value of landmark albums such as Jar of Flies, Vitalogy or Purple, it appears that era's time in the sun has come and gone -- it does seem telling that Soundgarden's Superunknown made the list as that band always did a finer job of towing the line between grunge and metal.

The mid-Nineties new wave of punk has apparently retained the staying power. Rancid, Bad Religion and The Offspring performed more than solidly; they excelled -- though Dookie's low placing was a bit surprising.

Also in the mix is the usual sprinkle of heavy metal and even a true alternative rocker from a band that truly defined the term "alternative rock" in the Eighties. Check out the gallery below to see who it is.

Here are the top 10 guitar albums of 1995, as chosen by the readers of Thanks for voting!