Pick Tossing and More: Carnival of Madness Tour Highlights from Keith Wallen of Adelitas Way

Hey guys, it's Keith from Adelitas Way. Greetings from the Carnival of Madness Tour!

Today is the last day of the tour, but I wanted to share with you some of the highlights and stories from one of the best tours I've been a part of.

Some of the main highlights for me was not only sharing the stage every night with great bands and musicians, but throwing guitar picks at them while they play! I've been working on my pick toss for a while now, but I'm nowhere near as skilled as the Theory guys. Sometimes I'll be in the middle of our set and I'll feel a guitar pick hit me from somewhere, then I'll look and see Dave from Theory laughing. If only my aim was that good!

Next time he sees me, it's on!

Somedays there is a lot of downtime with nothing to do but just sitting and waiting to play. Plenty of time to get into some trouble! For example, we brought out a small motorcycle for the last couple weeks to ride around the venues and just explore the area ... It is now broken from all the times everybody has wrecked it! Especially Derek; he wrecked it twice in one night, the last one included him bailing out and scraping his hands all up. Hey, chicks dig scars!

We've played a lot of memorable places on this run, one of which was in Louisville, Kentucky. The stage was set up in a baseball stadium, and it just had a really amazing vibe. We shot some live footage for our next video at that show. I took a picture of the stage after all the people left. I'm always fascinated by the way the stage and the empty arena or stadium looks after the concert. It's crazy how much gear there is to set up, and it's even crazier how fast the carnival crew can put it all together! It really is like our own little circus, all built up for one night, then torn right back down and driven away.

It's definitely a crazy life, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Now with this tour coming to a close, we've got a little downtime to prepare for the next crazy ride. Hopefully it will take us near your neck of the woods!

Thanks for reading!

Keith Wallen is the guitarist in Adelitas Way. Be sure to check back for more updates from Keith.