The Oil Slick: Some Suggested Alternative Careers for Rock Stars

Garage rock is known for its outrageous characters, from the raw power of Iggy Pop to the ferocious musical idealism behind Jack White.

To say that most artists have passion would be an understatement. Fortunately for us, these individuals found their way into music, and not behind the desk of some giant firm.

Just for fun, what would the perfect job (besides the one they've got, of course) be for some of the bigger names out there?

Dave Grohl: Kindergarten teacher

Grohl may be one of the coolest musicians you've ever wished to meet, but he has a certain wild-eyed goofiness to him that could only be tamed by 30 screaming toddlers. Dave would put the same focus and energy into putting rambunctious children down for naps as he does filling Wembley stadium. Just take a look at the photo above with his scooter and try to tell me you wouldn't want that man shaping your children's future.

Iggy Pop: Used-car salesman

Seriously, Mr. Pop would bring his swaggering style to the car lot and everyone would drive away happy, even those people who just came in to use the bathroom or sell some girl scout cookies. Iggy's confidence and bravado would make it unthinkable for anyone to turn down an offer. Plus, he's from Detroit, so he knows his wheels (and he's already branched out to insurance).

Jack White: Upholster

I kid, I kid. For real, though, Jack's quietly intense persona would fit right in as a CEO. Of course, he's doing this as it stands for his Third Man Record label, so this is also kind of cheating. But strip away the artistic bent, and Jack would be perfect for Wall Street; he's fearless, always searching for unexplored or forgotten trends, and he's proven to be an extremely hard worker. Maybe Apple should look him up ...

John Grimley writes The Oil Slick blog for