Insomnium Tour Blog: One About Dedication

It’s been five years since we last visited the US. It was one of the most memorable tours we have ever done, both in a bad and good way. We shared a van with our Finnish comrades, Swallow the Sun, and drove from coast to coast. Every other night, we slept in the van like sardines in a tin box, and every other night we booked two motel rooms and sneaked our way through the backdoor. Tough, but extremely fun: spending three weeks in a smelly van creates a special bond between people. Now I’m writing this blog from the comfort of my bus bunk while sipping beer.

And it’s awesome to be back in the U.S.A. You still might not have showers or backstage for all opening bands, but you do have some of the most dedicated fans — fans with a long memory. We are truly humbled to see so many familiar faces. Every night, people come to us saying they were there for us back in 2007. And here you are again showing your support. One word: Dedication. We might not be the biggest band in town, but we truly have the most loyal fans. Uttermost respect. See you at the merchandise stand or bar after the show. Dedication goes both ways.

  • Cheers from Pittsburgh,
  • Ville

Insomnium's latest album, One For Sorrow, is available on iTunes now.