Guitar Girl’d: The Top 10 Hot Male Guitarists, 2013 Edition

What? Has another year gone by already? Yes, indeed.

And to mark this momentous passing of time, I present to you my annual list of the "Top 10 Hot Male Guitarists." With tongue firmly planted in cheek, I have scoured the globe to find the hottest, beefiest and most darling male guitar players out there.

Has my sardonic, turn-the-tables column stemmed the unending flow of “Hot Female Guitarist” lists? Nah. But it sure is fun to research!

P.S.: To check out my previous "Hot Male Guitarists" columns, visit:

The 2011 version

The 2012 version.

So, without further ado …

Laura B. Whitmore

Laura B. Whitmore is a music industry marketing veteran, music journalist and editor, writing for, Guitar World, and others. She has interviewed hundreds of musicians and hosts the She Rocks Podcast. As the founder of the Women’s International Music Network, she advocates for women in the music industry and produces the annual She Rocks Awards. She is the Senior Vice President of Marketing for Positive Grid, making the world safe for guitar exploration everywhere! A guitarist and singer/songwriter, Laura is currently co-writing an album of pop songs that empower and energize girls.