Video: Loudness' Akira Takasaki--the "Crazy Nights" Riff

Here's Akira Takasaki from the Japanese metal band Loudness in the Guitar World studio on May 31, warming up before filming a Lick of the Day video for Guitar World's iPad/iPhone app and doing a brief interview for

The ace guitarist demos the iconic "Crazy Nights" riff before launching into a full-on shredfest. Check out the photo gallery below -- and look for more Akira Takasaki photos on Guitar World's Facebook page.

Jeff Kitts

As a teenager, Jeff Kitts began his career in the mid ’80s as editor of an underground heavy metal fanzine in the bedroom of his parents’ house. From there he went on to write for countless rock and metal magazines around the world – including Circus, Hit Parader, Metal Maniacs, Rock Power and others – and in 1992 began working as an assistant editor at Guitar World. During his 27 years at Guitar World, Jeff served in multiple editorial capacities, including managing editor and executive editor before finally departing as editorial director in 2018. Jeff has authored several books and continues to write for Guitar World and other publications and teaches English full time in New Jersey. His first (and still favorite) guitar was a black Ibanez RG550.