Forgotten Guitar: That Time a Fan Shook Stevie Ray Vaughan’s Hand During a Guitar Solo

It's been nearly 26 years since we lost Stevie Ray Vaughan. However, even after all that time, rare live gems are still resurfacing online from his many live shows.

An insatiable performer throughout his career, Vaughan would tour for nine out of 12 months some years, playing everything from small clubs to sold-out stadiums across the world.

Clearly for Vaughan, giving his audience a night they wouldn't forget in exchange for their hard-earned cash was his top priority. Nowhere is that more evident than in this short clip in which Vaughan is approached by a slightly overenthusiastic fan who simply needs to shake SRV's hand as he plays Jimi Hendrix's "Voodoo Chile (Slight Return)."

For many stars, this would probably be considered a step too far, but not for SRV, who—mid-solo—obliges the audience member's request happily and without missing a beat. Just listen to what he plays during the handshake.

Just when you thought Stevie Ray Vaughan couldn't get any cooler...

Jonathan Graham is an ACM UK graduate based in London studying under the likes of Guthrie Govan and Pete Friesen. He is the creator of, a classic-guitar media website, and is completing his debut album, Protagonist, due for release in 2016. Updates also can be found at Graham's YouTube channel.