Will Dailey Releases 'National Throat'

Boston’s Will Dailey is thrilled to announce the release of National Throat, available today worldwide via WheelKick Records.

National Throat is a career defining release for Will Dailey. Inspired by a failing business relationship, wherein he felt like he was a” passenger on a sinking ship,” Dailey willingly walked away from the largest label in the world, took charge and involved his fans in a communal creative process through Pledge Music to make National Throat.

“It will be a unique experience,” Will first wrote to his fans, “a one of a kind process. When the day is done, you will have elevated my music to a whole new level. A true artistic community will be built here.” And come they did, in droves. Inspiring Dailey to make the best work of his career.

Dailey has been very outspoken about the new found clarity and artistic freedom he found making this record which he has shared with American Songwriter, Arena.com and wrote a series of pieces on his music making process for Guitar World’s Acoustic Nation.

The title National Throat was inspired by a protest essay written by John Phillip Sousa called "The Menace of Mechanical Music." Faced with the advent of the recording of music (the invention of the Gramophone) and an onslaught of innovation, Sousa feared the sacred creative entity he had dedicated his entire life to serve would be forever ruined by technology. Nearly a century later, with music treading on similar fault line, Dailey asks these same questions with National Throat.

National Throat showcases Will's triple threat talent of singing, songwriting and playing. Sousa was wrong to preemptively mourn the loss of “songs that stir the blood and fire the zeal,” of “songs of home, of mother, and of love, that touch the heart and brighten the eye.” These songs flourish and surge with vigor in National Throat.

Will is the recipient of numerous Boston Music awards and his music has been featured in over fifty films and television shows. As a performer Will has shared the stage, and held his own with artists such as Dave Matthews, John Mellencamp, Neil Young and collaborated with Grammy and Oscar winning producer T-Bone along with Ryan, Bingham, Elvis Costello, Sheryl Crowe, Rosanne Cash and more on the Ghost Brothers Project.

Dailey will be doing a select number of east coast shows before taking National Throat overseas on a tour through France.

More at www.willdailey.com

Acoustic Nation

Acoustic Nation is written by Laura B. Whitmore, a music industry marketing veteran, music journalist and editor, who has contributed to Parade.com, Guitar World, and others. She has interviewed hundreds of musicians and hosts the She Rocks Podcast. As the founder of the Women’s International Music Network, she advocates for women in the music industry and produces the annual She Rocks Awards. She is the Senior Vice President of Marketing for Positive Grid, making the world safe for guitar exploration everywhere! A guitarist and singer/songwriter, Laura is currently co-writing an album of pop songs that empower and energize girls.