Sunday Strum, Episode 21: 4 Measure Mix Up — Lesson

In today’s episode, I go through a basic phrase I’m calling “4 Measure Mix Up.”

I’ve constructed this pattern to make something simple seem a little more complex without it actually being too difficult.

By giving the Em and Cmaj7 chords in the second measure one beat each, it throws off the balance a little, but makes for a cool deviation.

Also note that when I repeat the entire progression, I use a G chord at the end instead of Cmaj7.

This, again, adds just a little bit of variation to this somewhat straightforward phrase.

Check out the lesson below and enjoy!

Justin Horenstein is a guitar instructor and musician in the Washington, DC metro area who graduated (cum laude) from the Berklee College of Music in 2006. He also plays in Black Clouds, a 3-piece atmospheric/experimental band. Their new album, Dreamcation, was released on November 4, 2014 via Collect Records.

More about Justin at and