Sunday Strum, Episode 19: Simple Power Pattern –– Lesson

In keeping with the same “less is more” philosophy, today’s example is about creating a pattern that is powerful, yet simplistic.

I’m playing simple straight eighth notes, and accenting beats 2 and 4.

Even though this isn’t the most complex of ideas, I’m still able to create a pretty impactful idea.

Experiment with right hand dynamics using simple strumming such as this and you might be surprised at the results.

Try it out below!

Justin Horenstein is a guitar instructor and musician in the Washington, DC metro area who graduated (cum laude) from the Berklee College of Music in 2006. He also plays in Black Clouds, a 3-piece atmospheric/experimental band. Their new album, Dreamcation, was released on November 4, 2014 via Collect Records.

More about Justin at and