Paul Doffing’s “The Legend of Mick Dodge” — Exclusive Video Release

Today we bring you the premiere of Paul Doffing’s new video, “The Legend of Mick Dodge.”

Set to a montage of serene visuals, Doffing’s soft fingerpicking and detailed storytelling brings to mind Iron and Wine and Neil Young, with his own fresh, introspective appeal.

“The Legend of Mick Dodge” sounds like it was written by someone who spent a lot of time thinking and reflecting. Having recently toured the country on his bicycle – where he pedaled 7,000 miles and played over 100 shows — Doffing certainly fits this description.

The song is written as an homage to Mick Dodge, a man who two national geographic photographers ran across in the Hoh Rainforest on the Olympic Peninsula in western Washington State a few years ago.

Doffing shares, “Mick, formerly a diesel mechanic in the city, had worked and worked a blue collar life, but, as he grew older, he found that he wasn't getting much for his effort. He could feel his body aching, and he could feel the discontent in his heart, so he moved out into the woods. That was 25 years ago. He didn't build a permanent home or build up a store of resources. Instead, he lived from day to day, drinking water from leaves and moss, and eating the food nature brought his way. Now Mick is a 60-some year old man and he still lives off the land.”

He continues, “He has since been the subject of a show on the National Geographic Channel, which gives his legend a tacky feel, so I tried to do him a bit more justice with a song and video. Our focus with the video was to give the viewer an experience of what the world might look like to Mick.“

Doffing’s latest album, Songs from the (quaking) Heart is available now.

Watch the exclusive premiere below, and find out more at

Acoustic Nation

Acoustic Nation is written by Laura B. Whitmore, a music industry marketing veteran, music journalist and editor, who has contributed to, Guitar World, and others. She has interviewed hundreds of musicians and hosts the She Rocks Podcast. As the founder of the Women’s International Music Network, she advocates for women in the music industry and produces the annual She Rocks Awards. She is the Senior Vice President of Marketing for Positive Grid, making the world safe for guitar exploration everywhere! A guitarist and singer/songwriter, Laura is currently co-writing an album of pop songs that empower and energize girls.