Video: Martin's 2014 Retro Series

Take an extended look into the 2014 Martin Retro Series: the 000-18E Retro and the D-35E Retro.

Martin’s groundbreaking Retro Series represents the most significant advancement of our era in amplified acoustic sound, capturing the stylistic and sonic elements of iconic classic Martin guitars.

The series will welcome two new editions, the 000-18E and the D-35E, which will both enthrall guitarists with the seamless intersection of beautiful historical detail and Martin’s unique forward-thinking technology.

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Acoustic Nation

Acoustic Nation is written by Laura B. Whitmore, a music industry marketing veteran, music journalist and editor, who has contributed to, Guitar World, and others. She has interviewed hundreds of musicians and hosts the She Rocks Podcast. As the founder of the Women’s International Music Network, she advocates for women in the music industry and produces the annual She Rocks Awards. She is the Senior Vice President of Marketing for Positive Grid, making the world safe for guitar exploration everywhere! A guitarist and singer/songwriter, Laura is currently co-writing an album of pop songs that empower and energize girls.